
The Dusk Snow

Design Inspiration

Nordic style series

The natural texture and color of serrated oak sets the tone  of natural simplicity

Venetian Black Earth color and Berti White bring a lifestyle  close to nature into the home

A streamlined door inspired by ski prints, with transparent

glass doors and warm light,

Natural comfortable, warm and bright space, let everything

return to the essence of life


Natural wood texture

The natural texture of serrated oak and the color of wood set the tone of na

-tural simplicity and create a relaxing environment (Bring the heart return to  inner peace).

Soft lines

The unique design of the door is inspired by the impression left by skis on the  white snow. Smooth and concise lines, rich three-dimensional sense, consta

-nt aesthetic feeling

Warm color scheme

50 degree beveled glass doors with warm lighting. The glass reflected warm  light, just like an indoor fire, warm and bright.

Natural environment

Earth, wood and snow is the first impression of Northern Europe. Venetian  black + Serrated oak + Berti White bring a lifestyle close to nature into your  home. In a relaxed environment, let everything return to the essence of life,

and share wonderful moments with your family at any time

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